Poultry at Drala Jong
When the property of Drala Jong was bought it came already with several chicken living there. They are beautiful creatures and entirely unafraid of human beings. It is a joy to look after them — and they provide free-range eggs for the Drala Jong cuisine. When the lineage holders visited in October 2019 an animal market close to Drala Jong they bought some ??? which are really big, strong and colourful but also very peaceful. This cannot be said about the geese living at Drala Jong which can be at times quite aggressive.
Yet another pandemic
In autumn 2020 a highly pathogenic avian influenza was recorded in Europe and the UK. From 14th December 2020 a housing order came into force across the UK. All poultry needed to be kept under cover, away from wild birds which apparently had severe consequences for the life of our chicken and geese at Drala Jong. They had to move into provisional shelters where they would not have any chance to catch the bird flu.
Post Pandemic Life
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